Genre Movie :Drama
Mpaa Rating : Unrated Release Date : Nov 2, 2012 Limited Actors :Eva van der Gucht,Thomas Coumans,Luk Wyns,Mathias Vergels,Jelle Florizoone
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Review For North Sea Texas
This debut feature by noted short-film director Bavo Defurne emphasizes ambiance over storytelling, but that ambiance is so flavorsome you might not mind.Ben Sachs-Chicago Reader
It's not just that film is underdeveloped - it's that it feels unwilling to develop, preferring to leave its characters and plot points static. The result feels stunted.
Ignatiy Vishnevetsky-Chicago Sun-Times
It's a story that's been told countless times, but first-time director Bavo Defurne has such an assured hand and visual flair (much credit also belongs to cinematographer Anton Mertens) that everything seems fresh and new.
David Lewis-San Francisco Chronicle
Splendidly acted, especially by Florizoone, whose every thought appears to register on his wide-open features, it's more than promising.
John Hartl-Seattle Times
"North Sea Texas" explores emergent sexuality and first love with a refreshing optimism.
Robert Abele-Los Angeles Times
A simmering drama powered by fully drawn characters and fine performances.
Jeannette Catsoulis-New York Times
Thematically, this Dutsch tale of coming of age and first love is extremely familar. but it's sincerely treated and well acted by the two central boys.
Emanuel Levy-EmanuelLevy.Com
A reasonably realistic slice of lower-middle-class European life with a repressed protagonist named Pim.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express
A small but quite lovely and wonderful film, gorgeous to look at, which tackles an age-old subject with radiant freshness.
David Noh-Film Journal International
In the annals of gay cinema about growing up, "North Sea Texas" is, regrettably, an unoriginal and rather disposable take on a subject that's been done much better in the past.
The film succeeds in creating a dense atmospheric feel and avoids generic tropes, but it does so somewhat at the neglect of its characters and narrative.
Caroline McKenzie-Slant Magazine
As competent as the acting is, it's the filmmaking that brings this coming-of-age saga into the realm of brilliantly crafted cinema.
S. James Wegg-JWR
Any sympathy for these characters and their lives dissipates quickly on reaching scenes filled with cliched symbolism, like the burning of treasured possessions on a beach and running into the sea in an emotional outburst
Gail Tolley-The List
Beautifully directed, emotionally engaging coming-of-age drama with a sharp script, a strong sense of time and place and terrific performances from its entire cast.
Matthew Turner-ViewLondon
An understated film, strong on mood, a bit reminiscent of Shelagh Delaney's A Taste of Honey.
Philip French-Observer [UK]
A delicate little heartwarmer of a film.
Allan Hunter-Daily Express
North Sea Texas looks beautiful, is acted brilliantly, but it's hard to get a hold on when Pim's drifting by in a dream world.
Henry Barnes-Guardian [UK]
Movie Image New North Sea Texas
TagLine North Sea Texas A teenage boy's search for love finds him fixated on the boy next door.
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