Genre Movie :Action & Adventure,Comedy
Mpaa Rating : R Release Date : Jan 25, 2013 Wide Actors :Jeremy Renner,Gemma Arterton,Famke Janssen,Peter Stormare,Ingrid Bolsø Berdal,Derek Mears,Thomas Mann,Peter Storemare
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Review For Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
If this long-delayed and blatantly pandering CGI malarkey is anything to go by, Hollywood's current craze for fairy tales isn't going to have a happy ending.Tom
There isn't much to this beyond the poorly staged, rapidly edited violence; the witches, all but devoid of backstory, are basically canvasses for cartoon splatter.
Ben Sachs-Chicago Reader
The movie settles for showers of gore with intermittent moments of spoofiness.
Liam Lacey-Globe and Mail
The whole kidding trope, which you can bet was ordered by McKay and Ferrell, is pretty lame, and defeats the leads' attempts to bring shadings to cardboard cartoon characters.
Richard Corliss-TIME Magazine
At least it puts forth a sound message: Kids, avoid overdoing it on sweets -- especially candy that doubles as drywall.
Claudia Puig-USA Today
It's a grim fairy tale, all right.
Keith Uhlich-Time Out New York
There may be some wit afoot, particularly with director-writer Tommy Wirkola's good-for-a-chuckle rethinking of the missing child notices adorning milk bottles, but the film is still just a one-note, hired guns story-with groupies.
Elias Savada-Film Threat
Imagine the elaborate plan: 'We use the sets left over from Red Riding Hood, add a candy house, throw in some aerial forest shots out of Twilight, keep it cheap. Steampunk it up, and have 'em wear leather, 'specially her. Lotsa cleavage.'
Brian Gibson-Vue Weekly (Edmonton, Canada)
Nothing more than Dario Argento dialed down for fourteen-year-olds.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express
It's an amusingly cheeky notion: the siblings from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale as witch-slaying bounty hunters. A defter hand than Wirkola's might have succeeded ... but the film's anachronisms are clumsy and most of the jokes fall flat.
Jason Best-Movie Talk
Dangerously ignorant and inaccurate on the subject of diabetes, Hansel and Gretel should be disregarded at all costs, and the filmmakers really ashamed they put something so irresponsible on the big screen.
Sam Bathe-Fan The Fire
...feels like a coven of people in offices visited the set, were shown the mocked-up candy house and then decided to gut the whole thing and make it safe for theatrical and television sales to other countries where there's lots of censorship.
Let's not mince words: Hansel and Gretel is not a good movie.
Chris Buckle-The Skinny
The gore is a bore and the sweary script just isn't funny.
Alistair Harkness-Scotsman
One suspects that, seriously or tongue in cheek, it's really about the "war against terror" and that Hansel and Gretel are the CIA and the witches belong to al-Qaida.
Philip French-Observer [UK]
What will Terra Firma's new overlords think of us if, by some freak set of circumstances, Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters is all that remains of our once proud hominid civilisation?
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray
There's no reason in the world for Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters not to be good, clean, trashy fun. But it isn't.
Tara Brady-Irish Times
Made in Germany, this raucous adventure merrily refuses to follow the usual Hollywood route of blanding-down a fairy tale for the lowest common denominator (see both Snow White movies last year).
[A] fast and furious all-action continuation of the classic fairy tale ...
Alan Jones-Radio Times
It's an appalling, insulting and cynical mess from start to finish.
Derek Malcolm-This is London
The picture moves fast and is an efficient enough action-horror, with good effects and plenty of violence, but it's too machine-tooled and perfunctory to make you care.
Henry Fitzherbert-Daily Express
It ends up looking like a witless, cheesy knock-off of the Underworld and Resident Evil movies. They weren't good, and this is worse.
Christopher Tookey-Daily Mail [UK]
Somewhere in here is a good movie. I guess it got lost in the woods.
Alex Zane-Sun Online
Bereft of engaging characters or dialogue, it lurches from one blood-splattered action sequence to the next, even threatening viewers with a sequel at the end.
Ben Rawson-Jones-Digital Spy
It's a film which is so demeaningly bad, so utterly without merit, that there is a kind of purity in its awfulness.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]
It takes a fairy tale and plays it for laughs, without being remotely funny.
David Gritten-Daily Telegraph
Movie Image New Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
TagLine Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters Classic tale. New twist.
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