Genre Movie :Comedy
Mpaa Rating : PG-13 Release Date : Jun 25, 2010 Wide Actors :Adam Sandler,Kevin James,Chris Rock,David Spade,Rob Schneider,Salma Hayek Pinault,Maria Bello,Maya Rudolph,Joyce Van Patten,Ebony Jo-Ann,Di Quon,Steve Buscemi,Colin Quinn,Tim Meadows,Madison Riley,Jamie Chung,Ashley Loren,Jake Goldberg,Cameron Boyce,Alexys Nycole Sanchez
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Review For Grown Ups
Grown Ups is the perfect poster child for this maddening summer of movie mediocrity.Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald
The male fantasy of cheerleader spouse, well-adjusted kids and expanding waistline.
Joshua Rothkopf-Time Out
A benignly crude slice of family hysteria.
Joshua Rothkopf-Time Out New York
Lazy is the word.
A.O. Scott-At the Movies
It's not so hilarious that you need to rush to see it but not so bad that you will suffer unduly if you take a chance on its more-or-less family friendly charms.
Connie Ogle-Miami Herald
Grown Ups delivers precious few laughs for the sheer volume of comedy talent on offer.
Peter Debruge-Variety
The title mainly leaves one wondering when Sandler will chose to finally grow up and stop starring in this ongoing series of terrible comedies.
Doesn't so much play like a film than random home movies of Sandler and his usual screen cronies on vacation.
Five forgettable characters reunite for a (lame) joke-filled weekend.
Sarah Sluis-Film Journal International
The second half of Grown Ups isn't good enough to dig its way out of the tremendous hole it's created for itself but it's far from the worse thing Sandler has ever made. Maybe in another 20 years he'll make something funny.
Grown Ups heralds a sad day for comedy nostalgists of a certain age. Call it the day the amusement died.
Mike Scott-Times-Picayune
Surprisingly, amazingly, bafflingly uncomedic and unhilarious.
Matt Neal-The Standard
There's almost no plot, and loads of schmaltz, but the hidden metaphors and cast chemistry makes this a worthwhile effort.
R. L. Shaffer-IGN DVD
A midlife crisis disaster more akin to Billy Madison in search of a second childhood than anything evocative of The Big Chill. Grow up already!
The shameless sentiment (a cute little girl wants to use the car GPS to locate heaven) and Sandler's ego-tripping (he's married to Salma Hayek, and he's a sure shot on the basketball court) interfere with the laughs.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)
Despite some passable gags and a whole posse of middle-aged funnymen, Denis Dugan's comedy is about the least grown-up movie you could see.
Derek Malcolm-This is London
Not much more than an in-joke between the actors, this film is amiable but never funny. And despite some hackneyed moralising, it has nothing to say.
Rich Cline-Shadows on the Wall
You've seen these actors play these characters many times before, and better.
-Total Film
Full of obvious jokes and schmaltzy sentiment, Grown Ups is as much fun as watching endless home movies of people you really don't know very well.
Allan Hunter-Daily Express
Like The Big Chill with farting grandmothers...
Alistair Harkness-Scotsman
Sandler's abysmal script cooks up a bite-sized moral for the finale. Groan ups, more like.
Anthony Quinn-Independent
Movie Image New Grown Ups
TagLine Grown Ups Boys will be boys. . . some longer than others.
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