Genre Movie :Drama,Romance,Comedy
Mpaa Rating : R Release Date : May 24, 2013 Limited Actors :Ethan Hawke,Julie Delpy,Xenia Kalogeropoulou,Ariane Labed,Athina Rachel Tsangari,Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick
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Review For Before Midnight
An emotionally astute and tremendously enjoyable conclusion to this rather improbable trilogy.William
One of the great movie romances of the modern era achieves its richest and fullest expression in Before Midnight.
Justin Chang-Variety
Though this stage is harder to watch, audiences who have aged along with Celine and Jesse will treasure this new episode.
John DeFore-Hollywood Reporter
Belo por reconhecer que mesmo histórias de amor com um início tão lindo quanto a vivida por Jesse e Celine são obrigadas, justamente por serem bem-sucedidas, a lidar com o desgaste imposto pela vida real que se seguirá.
Pablo Villaca-Cinema em Cena
A masterful examination of life, love, regret, secrecy, passion, and the need for two people to retain personal identities along with their identification as a couple.
Brian Tallerico-Film Threat
These films have always been about the power of words, their ability to bridge gulfs of time and space, the thrill of ideas and opinions taking definitive shape.
Jesse Cataldo-Slant Magazine
When the lists of the greatest trilogies are made, Linklater, Hawke & Delpy's deserves to rank alongside LOTR, Christopher Nolan's Batman and the original Star Wars as one of the most epic of all. Because it is about all of us, the world and everything.
A grown up, mature work in every sense of the phrase Before Midnight is that rare sequel among sequels - the one which continues to better that which has come before it.
Before Midnight is one of those dialogue-driven indie dramas that make you appreciate the medium of film.
Amy Curtis-We Got This Covered
an emotional workout, nearly flawless in execution
Jordan Hoffman-ScreenCrush
"Before Midnight just destroyed me."
Fred Topel-CraveOnline
Hangups, regrets and doubts have have become a greater part of Jesse and Celine's lives, and the film reflects that. But it also reminds us what made the couple such a lovable pair that they could hold our interest for 20 years.
Jeremy Mathews-Paste Magazine
Just like catching up with old friends...
Chris Bumbray-JoBlo's Movie Emporium
Before Midnight left me nearly breathless. The script (credited to Linklater, Delpy, & Hawke) perfectly captures the complexity of marriage in ways that have rarely been portrayed on film.
Before Midnight, by design, is a more difficult and nuanced exercise, showing how ardour can last despite the pain and disappointment that has built up. Perhaps that's why it's so gratifying that this is also easily the funniest film in the series.
Tim Grierson-Screen International
Admirers of the first two films will feel pangs of nostalgia and a residual warmth for its charismatic leads, but as an extension to the series it feels forced and unnecessary.
Damon Wise-Guardian [UK]
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