Genre Movie :Action & Adventure
Mpaa Rating : R Release Date : Feb 14, 2013 Wide Actors :Bruce Willis,Jai Courtney,Sebastian Koch,Mary Elizabeth Winstead,Yulia Snigir,Rasha Bukvic,Cole Hauser,Amaury Nolasco,Roman Luknar,Ganxsta Doglegy Zolee,Peter Takatsy,Pasha D. Lychnikoff,Megalyn Echikunwoke,Melissa Tang,Rico Simonini,Catherine Kresge,April Grace,Cooper Thornton,Jan Gallovic,Peter Kertesz
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Review For A Good Day To Die Hard
What a disappointment.Richard Roeper-Richard
I didn't think it was physically possible to doze off at a movie as loud as A Good Day to Die Hard, but for a few moments my mind found some distant, peaceful refuge.
David Edelstein-New York Magazine
It's all more than a little silly, but Willis' presence at least provides undercurrents of easy jocularity.
Chris Vognar-Dallas Morning News
For anyone who remembers the "Die Hard" adventures at their vital and exciting best, this film feels like a near-death experience.
Joe Morgenstern-Wall Street Journal
Few fans of the series would disagree that this sclerotic fifth installment should probably be the last.
Dana Stevens-Slate
This is the Magpie School of action filmmaking: Anytime things start to make so little sense that you might lose the audience, just throw something shiny up on screen to distract.
Ian Buckwalter-NPR
The final nail in the coffin for John McClane...
Felix Vasquez Jr.-Cinema Crazed
Don't let the title fool you. This should have starred Steven Seagal and gone straight to DVD.
Eric D.
The international location, political intrigue and 007 flourishes in [the] score all suggest a fundamental shift in the series-or ... a passing of the torch to McClane Jr.
Annlee Ellingson-Paste Magazine
This is clearly the worst entry in the franchise, a movie so lazy and dull that if you simply took the Die Hard out of the name, it might as well be Mercury Rising.
Will Leitch-Deadspin
Once blithely acceptable as American id, McClane's become the archetypal American idiot. [Blu-ray]
Peter Canavese-Groucho Reviews
A Good Day to Die Hard is the worst Die Hard yet; substituting loud, noisy and sloppily-filmed action for what used to be one of Bruce Willis' more entertaining roles.
Jeremy Lebens-We Got This Covered
This new entry to the Die Hard series features a seriously underdeveloped plot held together by stunt sequences that are as overblown as they are ridiculous.
Forrest Hartman-Reno Gazette-Journal
The score by Marco Beltrami might suggest a mission impossible, but the movie's reality is more like a poor man's Wile E. Coyote-Road Runner cartoon...
Elias Savada-Film Threat
A Good Day to Die Hard isn't just half-boring and indifferently made; at its worst, it's downright dispiriting.
Christopher Null-Film Racket
Empty, ugly and dumb, a grim and cynical exercise in death and destruction.
The story devolves into little more than mindless action sequences in which the trills are cheap and the production values even cheaper.
Al Alexander-The Patriot Ledger
There was something in the pre - CGI days that made McClane's character more vulnerable...and fun.
Bruce Bennett-Spectrum (St. George, Utah)
Undeniably entertaining action-movie franchise fodder [but] had the producers [made] Mary Elizabeth Winstead the film's other action hero rather than going with the convention of casting yet another male, Die Hard 5 would have been awesome.
Jim Schembri-3AW
A perfectly fine collection of ridiculous stunts and gratuitous explosions ruined by the addition of nonsensical plot and acting that appears to be submerged beneath weapons-grade painkillers.
Marc Fennell-Triple J
When a Die Hard movie doesn't have a single well-staged action sequence, you know something went badly wrong.
Luke Buckmaster-Crikey
Sees both franchise and character transformed into tragically unimaginative, cacophonously violent and embarrassingly unfunny shadows of their once great former selves.
Tom Clift-Moviedex
Gone is the vulnerable, smart and resourceful hero of the original. He has instead been replaced by an unstoppable killing machine who - like a pull-string toy - sprouts irrelevant catch phrases like 'I'm on vacation!' in the middle of a fire fight.
Adam Ross-The Aristocrat
You know you're in trouble when an action film opens in Moscow showing a Russian criminal being held prisoner in a cell playing chess by himself. This is the kind of obvious cheesy badly scripted trope A Good Day to Die Hard is rampantly infected with.
CJ Johnson-ABC Radio (Australia)
Pushes the series deep into the trash heap
Cameron Williams-The Popcorn Junkie
Remember those Mr Magoo cartoons where the doddery old bald guy would blunder around various locations, leaving chaos in his wake while constantly insisting "I'm on vacation"?
Tim Martain-The Mercury
Movie Image New A Good Day To Die Hard
TagLine A Good Day To Die Hard Yippee Ki-Yay Mother Russia
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